Singapore Criminal Defence Lawyer

Criminal Procedure Code

The Criminal Procedure Code

First introduced by the Legislative Council of the Colony of Singapore, the Criminal Procedure Code is a set of laws imperative for the management of a fair trial where rights of the accused are not compromised in any way. 

If you are facing legal trouble, it can be useful to understand what and how the law works in Singapore. For instance, when can the police arrest you? What are arrestable offences? Do you immediately get a right to contact your representative lawyer? When can the police search you? 

Being arrested or running into legal trouble can be disorientating – with some knowledge of the legal circumstances involved, you can better understand your rights in any situation. 

The Criminal Procedure Code details the ins and outs of criminal law and the procedures following it in Singapore. From interpretations of the terminology used in the courts of law and powers of the lawyers to types of arrests that can be made, the Criminal Procedure Code holds all the crucial information made available for education and awareness. 

What does the Penal Code in Singapore refer to then?

More specifically, the Penal Code in Singapore consolidates the law relating to criminal offences. It pertains to the principles in effect with criminal law in Singapore, the penalties, procedure and elements in relation to it. 

For instance, mischief, theft, exploitation, cheating and assault are offences that tend to fall under the Penal Code in Singapore. However, it should be noted that Singapore does have other statutes that cover criminal offences too, making the Penal Code non-exhaustive. The Misuse of Drugs and Vandalism Act are examples of this. 

In recent years, the Penal Code in Singapore has undergone several changes – new offences have been created, outdated offences have been removed and punishment provisions and options have been updated to more accurately reflect the needs of today’s society and community. 

Schedule A Free Consultation 

We understand that navigating the law can be a challenge. If you have questions about the Criminal Procedure or Penal Code in Singapore, reach out to our team of lawyers for a free consultation. 

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