A 23-year old operations manager, Lokess Sittrasu, was sentenced to a total of 17 months and 1 week’s imprisonment for multiple offences involving causing hurt, drink driving and giving false information to the Police.Here are some brief, available facts on the case:He pleaded guilty to 5 …
$2,500 Fine for Causing Hurt to a Prostitute
A 33-year old Malaysian cook, Yek Teng Kui, was sentenced to a $2,500 fine for an offence of causing hurt - he had choked a Vietnamese prostitute after she changed her mind and refused to have unprotected sex with him in their hotel room at Balestier Hotel.Here are some brief, available facts on …
4 Years’ Imprisonment and 6 Strokes of the Cane for Causing Grievous Hurt.
A 35-year old Malaysian security guard, Joshua Thomas, was sentenced to 4 years' imprisonment and 6 strokes of the cane after pleading guilty to an offence of causing grievous hurt - he was drunk and punched his colleague in the face after he became angry that the colleague had defecated near their …
4 Years’ Imprisonment and 6 Strokes of the Cane for Causing Grievous Hurt.Read More
3 Years and 3 Weeks’ Imprisonment for Multiple Offences Carrying Out a Rash Act, Criminal Intimidation and Breaching the Terms of a PPO
A 38-year old unemployed man, Shanker Raju Krishnasamy, was sentenced to 3 years and 3 weeks’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to 3 offences involving criminal intimidation, committing a rash act and an unrelated charge of contravening a personal protection order (PPO) granted to his former …
12 Weeks and Four Days’ Imprisonment for Multiple Offences by Repeat Offender
A 35-year repeat offender, Eswaran Selvarajoo, who had only been released from prison a year ago, was sentenced to 12 days and four days’ imprisonment for multiple offences for outrage of modesty, theft and breaching his Prisons remission order.Here are some brief, available facts on the …
12 Weeks and Four Days’ Imprisonment for Multiple Offences by Repeat OffenderRead More
$5,000 Fine for Slapping 6-year Old Boy
A 52-year old man, Liow Chuan Tiong, was sentenced to a $5,000 fine for an offence involving the slapping of a 6-year old boy.Here are some brief, available facts on the case:He pleaded guilty. He had slapped the boy in the face because he felt the boy's mother had not disciplined him …