If you fail to attend a Court mentions or hearing a Warrant of Arrest will be issued by the Court. This can also occur for non-payment of fines. If you are on bail, your surety may have his bail money or property forfeited by the Court.
The Warrant will be handed over to the Warrant Enforcement Unit (which is a division of the Singapore Police Force) for them to execute. The police will either arrest you or you may be asked to surrender yourself at the Warrant Enforcement Unit for the warrant to be executed.
You should know that a medical certificate will not be accepted unless it:
- Contains the name of the medical practitioner who issued the certificate.
- States the name of the hospital/clinic in which he practices.
- Indicates that the person to whom the certificate is issued is unable to attend Court.
- Specifies the date(s) on which he is unfit to attend Court.
- Is signed in full by the medical practitioner.
- Is authenticated by a rubber stamp showing the medical practitioner’s full name and designation in the hospital or clinic.