When you are charged in Court, a charge setting out the offence alleged to be committed by you will be read or interpreted to you. The charge must contain sufficient details of the date, time, place, names of the victims and/or the property involved in the offence alleged.
Each offence will be listed as a separate charge. You can be charged with more than one offence. One or more persons can also be charged together with you if they are accused of the same offence. However, separate charges may be preferred against you. You must tell the Court if the charge is not clear to you. If you need an interpreter, ask for one.
After the charge is read and explained to you, you will be asked how you wish to plead to the charge, for example, “Do you wish to plead guilty?” (i.e. admit to the charge) or “Do you wish to claim trial?” (i.e. challenge the charge).